Tuesday, October 18, 2005
On the needles...
Above photo shamelessly borrowed from this great blog, Dropped Stitches.
Now that I've moved in with the hubby and I'm working on unpacking my crap, I'm realizing how much I hate all the clutter. I feel like all this stuff is weighing me down and I've committed myself to get rid of it....
With that said, tonight I organized 4 huge bins of yarn. Now, I, like any other yarn whore looooves to have buckets and buckets of yarn decorating my living room....bedroom....closets...and where ever else I can try to disquise it as decor. But it's getting to the point where I feel guilty in yarn stores instead of euphoric when the thought of buying more merely enters my mind.
So my answer my friend is blowing in the.....
I'm doing some major stash busting...cotton flower wash cloths....woven rug...turtle-neck cozies(which will be for the x-mas tree)...the works....pictures to follow!
posted by Cristina at 1:18 AM
Oh my gosh! Those itsy bitsy sweaters are adorable!!!
The pics on your sidebar are fantastic also - love your blog!!
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I have a wedding crasher site. It pretty much covers wedding crasher related stuff.
Come and check it out if you get time :-)