Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Keeping it Real
The past few days have been soooo eventful!.....Let me start by saying a public THANKS to Susan and the awesome yarn she spun for me....here is a swatch (yes, I DO swatch...no matter what Beth says!....okay....so I never swatch, but I couldn't resist on this one.) I also snuck the little bunny in there (it's not a dog!! long ears=bunny....according to Susan anyway....I don't know what planet she comes from where bunnies have long ears). Okay, so maybe it is a bunny...
Another bucket of joy came in from SP7...and booooy did she go NUTS this time...wow!! THANK YOU SECRET PAL!! It came via UPS, and I passively opened it up thinking it was something for work...to my surprise it was BURSTING with color and surprise.... Zorro by Isabel Allende (one of my favorite authors thank you very much for reading my mind!)...yarn from Hand Painted Yarns...a kit to make a black plaid purse (so cool!....I'm really into this right now)...a gorgeous dark green frame decorated with little sparkly jewels....a really cool candle called "duck farts!" lol....i guess duck farts smell really good....if they smell anything like this candle....and....hhaahh, I'm out of breath....and my favorite thing of all....2 very special handmade goodies.... a little drawstring bag made from a pattern from "Last Minute Hand Knit Gifts"...this is what the bag looks like, but mine is really pretty blue-ish gray:
...and last but not least and really pretty doily (crocheted I think...I'm so jealous you know how to crochet!)...its blue and green and white. THANK YOU SP7....but there's one little problem....I STILL DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE:( I did some investigative work involving google and the UPS tag...with no luck:(
SP8 is just around the corner...sign up before its too late!
Does anyone care about where I've been for the last week or so...probably not, lets keep it real. Well... I traveled to Portland, OR for the first time and LOVED IT. It's a creative, happy, peaceful place with plenty of interesting people to look at and talk to. I could live there. Hubby and I also headed down to Orange County this past weeked for his parents 38th wedding anniversary! Wow...can you imagine?!
And let's be fair; YOU say you don't swatch. I just report the news.
P.S. The doily thing is actually just a round dishcloth. ;)