Sunday, April 23, 2006

:::tEn SiMpLe pLeASuReS:::

I've been *TAGGED!* by Amanda:

Ten Simple Pleasures
10. spooning
9. finding a REALLY GOOD hole in the wall restaurant
8. japanese fabrics
7. reading on the compfiest couch as the sun streams through the window
6. a friendly yarn store
5. eating dinner at home
4. popcorn
3. e-mails from my friends
2. posts on my blog!
1. phone calls from my parents

aaah....looks whos next! Beth, Susan and Stacey!!
posted by Cristina at 11:16 AM


Ooooh. Popcorn is a good one. See you tonight.
Blogger Bethro, at 6:16 PM  
I love "Hole in the wall" restaurants!

No lines, no waiting!
Blogger Paul McDonald, at 6:27 PM  

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